Customised Automation solutions to optimize recurring IT-Processes and business processes

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We optimize IT and business processes with automation solutions

Nippy Systems specializes in optimizing business and IT processes using automation solutions based on Ansible. With this tool, we succeed in creating Ansible playbooks as well as modules and plugins that ensure comprehensive system integration in your company.

The more servers a company has to manage, the more time they spend on configuration and administration.In addition, manual activities lose both transparency and quality. Those who automate properly can automatically solve up to 90 percent of all problems that arise in a company’s infrastructure,assuming you invest the time in the later time-saving automation of repetitive activities.

Automation solutions in Detail

A large number of modules are available as standard for Ansible and if there is no standard module for your requirements, we will develop customised solutions for you. These enable a wide variety of tasks to be carried out directly.

The tasks to be performed in a module are described in individual tasks in YAML format. These tasks can be grouped into so-called roles, whereby a role can contain all the tasks that are necessary.Several tasks in one role can be used to automatically install and configure an application or network component.

Benefits of Automation

Automation tools like Ansible usually offer the best solution. It enables easier deployment, operation and scaling (for example, with rapid business growth).

Important benefits of tools like Ansible for infrastructure automation are:

  • Central configuration option
  • Reduction of susceptibility to errors
  • Increase in quality and profitability
  • Increased transparency through the possibility of reproduction
  • Fast rollout of systems

Ansible has become the de facto industry standard in recent years.
Chain error handling is fully integrated in Ansible – one of the most important advantages over normal scripts. As a result, your systems have integrity in every configuration or automation step and, in the event of an error, appropriate rollbacks are carried out fully automatically.

Automation solutions and Security from a single source

We offer the following services for the automated maintenance of your server landscape and the guarantee for the security of your IT systems:

  • Development of Ansible plugins
  • Development of Ansible playbooks
  • Development of Ansible roles
  • Development of Ansible modules
  • CICD integration
  • Ansible Tower and AWX on Kubernetes, Docker and virtual machines (VM)
  • Puppet automations

Advantages of our services for the security of your IT-Systems

Our strengths are listening, analysing, advising and implementing – solely according to your specifications. For the continuous support of our products for your server management, we are there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Arrange a free initial consultation now

Do you have any questions about our Ansible developments and how they can be used to your advantage? Then contact us. We look forward to getting to know you and optimizing your business processes.