Server-Management and Monitoring for your IT-Infrastructure

Free and without obligation

When it comes to server facilities, we focus on Linux

We have followed the development of Linux from the very beginning and are convinced that this operating system with its diverse distributions is the ultimate server platform. That is why we focus primarily on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems when it comes to server facilities. The open source, flexible and still highly professionalized Linux enables us to plan and set up automated server installations. This workflow helps your IT department to save resources and time and thus also money.

For example, we use a configuration management database (CMDB) for automated installations. Our preferred distributions are Red Hat Linux, SuSE Linux and the Unix version Solaris. We also undertake LDAP integrations and security hardening and, through the use of high-availability applications, ensure smooth installations and professional administration of your IT-Infrastructure.

System administration at the highest level – all from a single source

We offer the following services in our projects, which involve the construction and administration of effective server landscapes:

  • Automated installations including CMDB acquisition
  • Platforms: Red Hat, SuSE and Oracle Solaris
  • LDAP integrations
  • Security hardening
  • High availability installation of applications and their administration

System administration by Nippy Systems: Your benefits

Setting up servers, managing them and also providing qualified support is not for everyone. You should therefore leave this to the professionals. Trust our proven concepts, which are optimally tailored to the needs of your company. Together with you, we create an analysis of the target and actual situation and advise you on the selection of hardware and software. During implementation, we not only ensure problem-free operation of the server, but also prepare and implement suitable IT security concepts. By selecting suitable server systems (e.g. virtual machines, dedicated servers, etc.), we ensure the efficient and beneficial use of all resources.

Nippy Systems:
Server system administration
by the professionals

Whether you are about to set up a larger data centre or “just” need help with server installation: Nippy Systems is here for you! We look forward to your planned IT infrastructure!