Customised conception and Programming of software and web applications for your company

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Software development and web-based applications for your company

The creation of customised software according to customer requirements has been our passion for many years. Regardless of whether it is about scripts for server administration or complex applications – we will find a solution for everything!
We rely on agile software development processes in order to meet the wishes and requirements of our customers.

We rely on established scripting and programming languages such as Java, C ++, C # and Perl. Programming in Python is our daily business, and we are also at home in shell programming (Bash etc.). The focus of our development work is on customer-specific automation solutions with Ansible to simplify server management.
More on the subject

We expand or develop your individual Monitoring

For this purpose, the service collects data from various sources and makes it available in a processed form.

A threat intelligence service is then able to filter, analyse and correlate data from different sources and make it available in a usable form. Possible formats can be data feeds, dashboards or reports for management and IT managers.

The aim is to help companies evaluate and link all relevant log messages and system data. This allows risks to your own IT to be identified quickly.

Those responsible are put in a position to understand the risks, to close weak points and to fend off hacker attacks preventively. The Threat Intelligence Service processes the collected data in such a way that only relevant information is taken into account. Companies that use a threat intelligence service can close security vulnerabilities and pro-actively initiate measures to prevent data loss or IT system failures.

In addition, the compressed data relevant to the company can be forwarded directly to ticket systems, security devices such as firewalls or intrusion detection services.

Customized Software Development

Are you looking for a partner who will implement your internal company requirements in software? Then you are at the right place with Nippy Systems! We can do this and more:

  • Python Programming
  • Perl Programming
  • Shell Programming
  • Java
  • C++
  • C#

Softwarein Perl, Python,
Java etc. –
Nippy Systems does it!

Our software development team uses modern project management tools and contemporary programming tools. We rely on agile software development processes. We don’t (just) talk about it – we do it! In the course of the project, we repeatedly set milestones, evaluate interim results and, if necessary, correct the course in order to be able to present optimally usable software according to your specifications and implement it in your IT landscape.

Arrange a free initial consultation now

Software development doesn’t have to be expensive! We will show you which solutions we can create with your project budget. You will be surprised what is possible at fair prices with our effective software development methods. We look forward to getting to know you and your planned software projects!