IT-Security concepts to protect valuable data and resources on your company’s servers

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IT-Seсurity: Protect your data and resources

As soon as the protection of all IT systems and their subcomponents against online attacks has been completed (firewalls, anti-virus protection, protection of web applications, etc.), a lot has already been gained. But what about the “internal security” in your company? What about potential security gaps due to outdated hardware or a lack of patch management?

Particularly with container systems (Docker applications) on servers, it can be seen time and again that it is precisely there that security vulnerabilities arise. As a container platform, we rely on Kubernetes to manage the automated administration, provision and scaling of container applications in order to relieve the system administrators. Furthermore, we implement intrusion prevention systems and intrusion detection systems (IPS or IDS) in order to detect conspicuous data streams and avert possible dangers. In addition, we make sure that security updates in patch management are really secure and that you do not bring possible dangers into your company through updates from unsafe sources.

IT-Server-Security – in-house security from a single source

The portfolio of our IT server security services includes the following services:

  • Server hardening
  • SecOps
  • Container Security
  • IPS/IDS-Systems
  • Threat Intelligence Service
  • WAF-Systems

Nippy Systems takes care of the security of your IT-Systems

We secure your computers and servers according to holistic IT security concepts, which we adapt and implement individually to the requirements of the server landscape of your IT infrastructure, thereby increasing your IT security. We advise you comprehensively and show you possible weak points and security gaps. We ensure a high degree of automation when implementing all security measures, so that your IT department is relieved and can therefore work more efficiently and cost-effectively. Using a penetration test, we will test your applications and take appropriate measures if security gaps are proven.

Ask about our
IT-Security concepts!

Nippy Systems provides comprehensive advice on all network security issues. Our IT security experts will be happy to carry out an initial IT security check with you. Then you will learn from us which methods we can use to close possible security gaps.